The Do’s and Dont’s of Photo Sessions with Siblings

Whether you’re planning for your maternity or newborn photo shoot, these tips will help you prepare to include baby’s siblings.

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Getting ready for a photo shoot is exciting, but it can also be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re planning to include small children. This is a special, celebratory time for you and your family, so here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for your photo shoot with children:

Do: Make big brother/sister feel special

Whether your new little bundle of joy is still in your belly or has already made their Earth-side appearance, the arrival of a new member of the family is a major change for your older child. There will be a lot of fuss over mommy and baby, and your child has to get used to sharing the spotlight after being the center of attention for their entire little life. Can you imagine? Let this be an opportunity to celebrate becoming a big brother/sister and make it special! Ask your child what they love about being an older sibling, and to show how they help you take care of baby. When the focus is on them, they’ll be a lot more likely to deliver giggles and sweet smiles for the camera.

Don’t: Stress!

The most important thing is for you to enjoy the experience. I’m a momma of 5 kids and I work almost exclusively with newborns and small children, so I know that kids have different temperaments. It’s really OK! Try not to fret too much if your child isn’t behaving exactly as you’d like, and see it as a beautiful memory, no matter what happens.

Do: Have another adult to keep your child entertained

In an ideal world, you would have a separate ride for your child so that they can be taken home after their part of the photo session is finished (usually 45 minutes). However, we don’t always have ideal circumstances. At minimum, have another adult around to keep your child entertained, and take them out of the studio if they get bored. Photo sessions can take a few hours, and tiny humans can get restless.

Don’t: Schedule your session during your child’s nap time

Children can be pretty unpredictable, as you mommies know. We can’t guarantee how they’ll behave in any given situation, but we want to make every effort to make them as comfortable as possible for special occasions, like a photo session! Try to schedule your session around a time when your child will have a had a nap and been fed so that they will be as happy as can be and smile brightly for the camera.

Do: Give your little one a chance to warm up

Expect some hesitancy from your little one in the beginning. It’s not likely that they’ll jump in front of the camera ready to say “cheese!” When you first arrive in the studio, allow your child the opportunity to get comfortable and warm up to me and the studio. Young children tend to panic when they arrive in new places and think they’re going to be dropped off. Hold your little one’s hand, sit together on the floor and visually explore the studio. Point out the things you see that may be intimidating, like the big camera and the new person behind it (your friendly photographer!)

Don’t: Leave home without snacks and comfort items

A well-rested, full-bellied baby is a happy baby, as you know, but photo sessions can be lengthy and there’s a high possibility that your little one may get hungry. Small snacks are completely fine, and even encouraged! Also don’t be afraid to bring a comfort item, such as a small blankie or stuffed bear. If you know it will make your child feel calm and comfortable, bring it along.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that your session is a celebration of a special time in you and your children’s lives. Relax, stay in the moment, and view the experience as a chance to create wonderful memories, no matter what happens.